About O’Brien Communications

Pittsburgh-based O’Brien Communications builds its client service with a distinct focus on five core competencies:

  • Senior-level Consulting & Coaching

  • Workforce Communications

  • Public Relations & Media Relations

  • Content Development & Professional Writing

  • Crisis & Issues Management

O’Brien Communications was formed in 2001 to provide clients with national-agency and client-side experience with the enhanced cost-efficiencies that only a scalable independent corporate communications practice can provide. Clients have ranged from Fortune 100 corporations to nonprofits and emerging start-ups.

Consistently since 2017, after a review of 88 firms, Expertise.com has annually ranked O’Brien Communications one of the Best PR Firms in Pittsburgh.

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Tim O’Brien is a nationally recognized, veteran communications professional and crisis manager who’s worked with clients from Fortune 100 companies, to startups and nonprofits.